WWE Smackdown Golden Era

The main subject of this week’s Ring Time Pro Wrestling show was about the Golden Era of Smackdown. A lot of fans of the WWE have posed the question was Smackdown ever better than RAW? The answer is yes. Between…

Keith Joins WWE Google Hangout

The WWE has started something new for their fans to connect with their superstars. Since Wrestlemania they have been hosting Google Hangouts. Our very own Keith Holt got to participate this past week. He got to chat with Diva Alica…

Bending The Rules – Movie Review

Studio: WWE Studios Director: Artie Mandelberg Starring: Adam “Edge” Copeland, Jamie Kennedy, Jennifer Esposito, Alicia Witt, and Jessica Walter Bending The Rules stars recently retired WWE Superstar Edge and Jamie Kennedy. Edge stars as Nick Blades a New Orleans detective…

Cena Injury – What could it Mean

The WWE recently announced that John Cena suffered an injury during their European tour. There is some speculation that the injury is a work. For the sake of this discussion let’s say it’s real. According to WWE.com it was to…

Knucklehead Movie Recap

Studio: WWE Studios Director: Michael Watkins Starring : Big Show , Dennis Farina, Melora Hardin and Mark Feuerstein The movie Knucklehead is a comedy produced by the WWE starring the Big Show. Big Show portrays Walter Krunk, a 35 year…